We love to celebrate how God is at work in the EFCA, and sharing the stories of church plants is one of the most encouraging things we do.
Refuge Church, led by Blaine Hooper, is reaching the refugee and immigrant population in Houston.

Here for a Purpose — Encuentro
A community reaching the Spanish-speaking population of Odessa, Texas.

Reevaluating the Role of the Church
I thought being involved in campus ministry was enough. But God placed church planting on my heart.

A Heart for a Lost Generation
How God called me to reach second-generation Haitians with the gospel.

Intentional Planning, Patient Planting — Northside Neighborhood Church
A young and hopeful church planter moved to North Minneapolis before deciding to plant a church there.

An Ancient Church Model, Redux
COVID exposed the Church's weaknesses. Here's how this EFCA church planter plans to pivot.

New City Church
A community responds to the hurt in Oakland, California.